In January we were excited to work with a missionary couple and serve the people on the islands of Lake Victoria, Uganda. We traveled with a team of eight to Uganda where we had hired a medical doctor, nurses, and medical assistants. We took tents with us and had a base camp on one island where we stayed each night. Each morning we traveled by boat to a different island for the day and returned to camp each evening. It was physically taxing at times but so meaningful to be able to reach across the language barriers and share medical help, medicine, and Jesus.
Jeremy, one of our team members put it this way as he shared what he had written one morning in Uganda.
“I give thanks today for this opportunity to come to Africa. I will never be the same. James, Sonya, and God’s beautiful African children, young and old, will always be in my prayers. There is an orange dust all over everything. Its on my shoes, its on my clothes, and its even on my Bible. Its everywhere! But…its good. It reminds me of something I heard once. Its called Jesus Dust. The thought is that you are following Jesus so closely that the dust that kicks up from His feet gets all over you. I’m sure Peter, Matthew and many others were covered in Jesus Dust. I want to be covered in Jesus Dust! So, as I look at all of this dust on everything…I’m thankful for it…and I think of where it came from. The dust comes from walking the dusty pathways between houses on the islands as we share the Gospel. It comes from my African brother sweeping the dirt every morning at 5:30am…it comes from the children clinging on us every time we go or get off of the boat. This is good dust…dust that comes from following Jesus all the way to Africa so we can love on God’s children, young and old, so we can tell them the Good News about Jesus Christ and how God loves them. So today, let’s go get some more of this beautiful orange Jesus dust on us. Thank you Jesus, for leading me to the islands of Lake Victoria.”
As Jeremy said, we went from hut to hut or house to house …talking, visiting, and sharing stories from God’s Word with the people. As we visited and shared, it was amazing to see how although our lives are far apart and so different….we really share a lot in common. Actually, people all over the world are really the same and we thank God for the opportunity to go and get the “Jesus Dust” all over us in Uganda.
Please enjoy the video below as we shared with the beautiful people of Uganda and got covered with “Jesus dust”.